Saoradh Constitution
Section 1
1.0 Name
1.1 The name of the Party shall be Saoradh.
2.0 Principles
2.1 The Sovereignty of the Irish nation is inalienable and indefeasible.
2.2 The territory of the Irish nation consists of the island of Ireland, its waterways, airspace, islands and seas.
2.3 The right of the Irish people to public ownership and unfettered
control of all national resources and wealth producing instruments.
2.4 The Irish people retain their right to national self determination free from foreign interference and impediment.
2.5 All of the children of the nation are born free and equal and
therefore entitled to the fullest measure of Liberty, Equality,
3.0 Objectives
3.1 To effect an end to Britain’s illegal occupation of the six counties.
3.2 To effect an end to the partitionist institutions of Stormont and Leinster House.
3.3 To establish a 32 county Irish Socialist Republic based upon the
constitutional principles of sovereignty, self determination, public
ownership, democracy, liberty, equality, and international fraternity.
3.4 To ensure the equal distribution of the nation’s wealth and wealth
producing resources via public ownership of the means of production, and
guarantee equal influence and control over all spheres of economic,
social and political life.
3.5 To end all Irish involvement in
those institutions and alliances, domestic and foreign, which infringe
upon the sovereignty and independence of other nations and peoples and
replace such actions and alliances with ones based upon the principles
of international co-operation and solidarity.
3.6 To actively
promote the revival of widespread, everyday usage of the Irish language
across Ireland, and to encourage a deeper understanding and appreciation
of Irish culture in contemporary Ireland.
3.7 To effect the release of all Irish Republican Prisoners.
4.0 Means
4.1 By preparing and organising Saoradh for a successful revolution.
4.2 By the organising of effective local and national political
campaigns aimed at highlighting the social and economic injustice
inherent in the joint global system of capitalism and imperialism and
the promotion of an Irish Socialist Republican alternative.
Through the building of alliances with other groups and individuals both
nationally and internationally who share objectives similar to those of
4.4 By assisting and promoting working class based
initiatives and campaigns where participation in such activities is
deemed to be in accordance with our strategic national objectives.
4.5 Through the contesting of elections where the contesting of such
elections is deemed to advance our national objectives. This shall be
based upon a clear strategic analysis of the prevailing conditions and
balance of forces. (Participation in elections to Westminster and the
partitionist institutions of Stormont and Leinster House can only be
permitted on an abstentionist ticket).
5.0 Revolutionary Party
5.1 Republicans can justifiably feel that the formation of a political
party will lead to reformism as this has been the republican experience
to date. It is the Party’s revolutionary duty to safe-guard the
revolution and to ensure that this never happens again.
Saoradh shall be revolutionary in both its ideology and its deeds. We
shall strive at all times for ideological consistency, clarity,
organisational cohesion, strategic direction, tactical purpose and
unity. The onus is on the party membership to build consensus and unity.
5.3 Saoradh shall fight for its political analysis and strategy in all
its struggles and in doing so win the confidence of the people. This
requires a high level of political activism and cohesion, unity in
action and revolutionary democracy. The politics of the party must be
carried in practice by all members.
5.4 The making of a
revolution is a continuous struggle and process; of which time for
self-criticism, reappraisal, and self-examination are necessary and a
fundamental requirement. The Party needs meaningful and properly
structured discussion on a collective basis and openness devoid of
5.5 Honesty built from comradeship and commitment
permits frank discussion and from such discussion long-term and
sort-term objectives along the path the party wish to follow will be
established and tasks will be allocated.
5.6 The point of
collective leadership founded on the above points must be encouraged at
every level and within every sphere of party political activity.
6.0 Membership
6.1 Membership of Saoradh shall be based upon the principals of
universal equality and shall be open to any person over sixteen years of
age, who agrees with the principles of Saoradh, who is willing to work
towards the achievement of Saoradh‘s objectives, and to abide by
Saoradh’s code of conduct and its attendant disciplinary proceedings.
6.2 Membership of Saoradh can be granted by the National Executive alone.
6.3 Membership of Saoradh can be revoked by the National Executive
alone, following the implementation of Saoradh’s disciplinary procedures
as laid out in section three of this constitution.
6.4 The National Secretary of the National Executive shall be responsible for maintaining an accurate list of all members.
6.5 Members of Saoradh cannot be members of other political parties.
6.6 Participation in Westminster and the partitionist institutions of Stormont and Leinster House is strictly forbidden.
6.7 Members shall not actively encourage, assist, or show support for
any party or individual intending to participate in Westminster or in
the partitionist institutions of Stormont and Leinster House.
No member of Saoradh shall make any statement either verbally or in
print (including electronic print) on behalf of the party without
permission. The onus is on the party member to seek clearance and
clarity. Party members are prohibited from advocating anything
inconsistent with party policy.
7.0 Structures
7.1.0 The National Convention
7.1.1 The ultimate authority of Saoradh is The National Convention,
which shall meet on an annual basis. All members of Saoradh shall be
entitled to attend and vote at the National Convention.
7.1.2 The National Convention shall have the power to adopt or alter any Saoradh policy or strategy.
7.1.3 The National Executive and all individual members shall have the
right to submit constitution motions and proposals for inclusion on the
Clár of the National Convention. Such Saoradh constitution motions and
proposals must be submitted to the National Executive not less than
twenty eight days prior to the date of same.
7.1.4 The Clár for
the annual National Convention, which shall include the text of all
proposed motions, policy or strategy proposals, proposed amendments to
the constitution and nominees for national positions shall be made
available to all members not less than twenty-one days prior to the date
of same.
7.1.5 The National Convention shall elect the National
Executive consisting of: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, National
Secretary, National Organiser, Finance and Resource Officer x 2, Public
Relations Officer, and Education Officer, to serve on the National
7.1.6 The National Executive shall be responsible for
convening, and making all arrangements necessary for, the National
7.1.7 A minimum of fifty six days notice of the time,
date and location of the National Convention shall be provided to all
7.1.8 An extraordinary National Convention may be
convened where the National Executive or not less than one third of the
entire membership support a motion calling for the convening of same.
Such a motion must include the reason(s) for the convening of an
extraordinary National Convention.
7.1.9 A minimum of twenty one
days notice of the time, date, location and clár of an extraordinary
National Convention shall be provided to all members.
7.2.0 The National Executive
7.2.1 The National Executive, which is collectively tasked with
implementing all decisions taken by the National Convention and with the
day to day running of Saoradh, shall meet not less than once every six
7.2.2 The National Executive shall consist of the
Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the National Secretary, the National
Organiser, the Finance and Resource Officer x 2, the Public Relations
Officer, the Education Officer plus a maximum of four co-options and
Chairs of all Local Saoradh Branches.
7.2.3 A minimum attendance of one third of the members of the National Executive shall be required to constitute a quorum.
7.3.0 Local Branches
7.3.1 Local Saoradh Branches shall be established within a defined
geographic area and be tasked with developing Saoradh within that area.
7.3.2 The National Executive alone shall have the authority to establish and disestablish Local Saoradh Branches.
7.3.3 Each Local Saoradh Branch shall elect a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer (x2) on an annual basis.
7.4.0 Departments
7.4.1 The National Executive shall have the authority to form
Departments to focus on specialised and clearly defined areas of work.
8.0 Consensus and Agreement
8.1 Every member should be encouraged to participate to the highest
possible degree in Saoradh’s internal decision making processes.
8.2 Prior to the taking of votes, every effort shall be made to reach consensus on all proposals.
8.3 Every member shall have an equal vote on all issues of policy and strategy.
8.4 In relation to major issues of policy and strategy, all decisions
shall be reached by following the decision-making process outlined in
section two of this constitution.
9.0 Amendments to Saoradh’s Constitution
9.1. Amendments to Section One of Saoradh’s Constitution can only be
made by The National Convention. Notice of proposed changes to Section
One of Saoradh’s Constitution must be made available to all members not
less than twenty one days prior to the meeting of The National
Convention. Amendments to Section One of Saoradh’s Constitution shall
require a majority of two-thirds support from those members voting at
The National Convention.
9.2 Amendments to Section Two of
Saoradh’s Constitution can only be made by The National Convention or by
the membership voting at meetings of Local Saoradh Branches. Notice of
proposed changes to Section Two of Saoradh’s Constitution must be made
available to all members not less than twenty-one days prior to the
meeting of The National Convention or relevant Local Saoradh Branch
meetings. Amendments to Section Two of Saoradh’s Constitution shall
require a majority of two-thirds support from those members voting at
The National Convention or the Local Saoradh Branches.
Amendments to Section Three of Saoradh’s Constitution can only be made
by The National Convention or by the membership voting at meetings of
Local Saoradh Branches. Notice of proposed changes to Section Three of
Saoradh’s Constitution must be made available to all members not less
than twenty-one days prior to the meeting of The National Convention or
relevant Local Saoradh Branch meetings. Amendments to Section Three of
Saoradh’s Constitution shall require a majority of two-thirds support
from those members voting at The National Convention or the Local
Saoradh Branches.
Section 2
1.0 Membership
1.1 Membership of Saoradh is granted following a three-month probationary period.
1.2 Probationary membership is granted where the National Executive is
satisfied that the applicant is genuine, of good character, and that
he/she subscribes to the principles and objectives of Saoradh.
1.3 Probationary members are not eligible to vote at the National
Convention, the National Executive or Local Saoradh Branches or hold any
position within Saoradh’s structures.
1.4 In exceptional cases
where two existing, non-probationary, members of Saoradh are willing to
act as referees for an applicant the National Executive has the power to
reduce or waive said applicant’s probationary period.
1.5 An
appeal can be made by any probationary member who has been refused full
membership. This appeal has to be made in writing, no later than 21 days
after the decision has been communicated in writing to the individual
who has been refused membership. This appeal will be dealt with by a
three person panel nominated by The National Executive at its next
1.6 During the course of their probationary period all
members are expected to attend and participate in the “New Members
Induction Programme”.
1.7 Members who fail to participate in
Saoradh’s activities or structures for a period greater than three
months shall be deemed to have become lapsed members.
1.8 In
exceptional cases The National Executive shall have the power to extend
the period after which an individual’s membership will be deemed to have
1.9 Lapsed members are not eligible to vote at a
National Convention, The National Executive or Local Saoradh Branches or
hold any position within Saoradh’s structures.
1.10 The National Executive alone shall have the authority to determine when individual membership has lapsed.
1.11 A copy of all protocols relating to recruitment and membership
shall be made available to all members by The National Secretary.
2.0 Structures
2.1 The National Executive shall establish a committee tasked with
organising the annual National Convention not less than 84 days ahead of
the deadline for the National Convention.
2.2 All votes at the
National Convention relating to amendments to the constitution and
Saoradh policy and strategy shall take the form of a show of hands with
every member present entitled to vote.
2.3 Nominations for
election to the positions of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, National
Secretary, National Organiser, Finance and Resource Officer x 2, Public
Relations Officer, Education Officer, can be made by individual members.
All such nominations must be received not less than twenty-eight days
prior to the date of the annual National Convention.
2.4 All
members shall be informed of the names of those standing for election
not less than twenty-one days prior to the date of National Convention.
2.5 The election of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, National Secretary,
National Organiser, Finance and Resource Officer x 2, Public Relations
Officer, Education Officer, shall take the form of a secret ballot with
every member present at the National Convention entitled to vote.
2.6 For a vote on a motion convening an extraordinary National
Convention to occur the motion must first have the support of ten named
2.7 The National Executive shall ensure that all members
are informed of a motion convening an extraordinary National Convention
at least seven days in advance of the meeting of Local Saoradh Branches
where a vote on said motion is to take place.
2.8 A simple
majority shall be sufficient to carry a motion calling for an
extraordinary National Convention where not less than two thirds of the
total membership takes part in said vote.
2.9 The membership shall have the authority to recall the National Executive or individual members of same.
2.10 For a vote on a motion of recall to occur the motion must first have the support of a minimum of ten named members.
2.11 The National Executive shall ensure that all members are informed
of a motion of recall at least fourteen days in advance of the meeting
of Local Saoradh Branches where a vote on said motion is to take place.
2.12 A simple majority shall be sufficient to carry a motion of recall
where not less than two thirds of the total membership takes part in
said vote.
2.13 The National Executive shall have the authority
to appoint up to four co-options to The National Executive: co-options
in accordance with nominations elected at Convention.
2.14 In
exceptional cases where The Chairperson of a Local Saoradh Branch is
unable to attend meetings of The National Executive a substitute may
attend in their place. Such a substitute shall be elected by the
membership of the Local Saoradh Branch.
3.0 Consensus and agreement
3.1 Voting on major issues of policy and strategy shall take place at The National Convention or Local Saoradh Branches.
3.2 Decisions reached via Local Saoradh Branches in relation to major
issues of policy and strategy shall adhere to the following:
The National Executive shall draft proposal.
The proposal shall be circulated to all members not less than fourteen
days prior to the Local Saoradh Branch meeting convened for the purpose
of discussing the proposal.
The proposal shall then be discussed and debated with areas of contention identified and possible amendments suggested.
The National Executive shall, if appropriate, amend the proposal to
address areas of contention and circulate the amended proposal to all
members not less than fourteen days prior to the Local Saoradh Branch
meeting convened to vote on proposal.
Members shall have the option of supporting the proposal or registering a strong objection to the proposal.
The National Executive shall be responsible for collating votes from all Local Saoradh Branches.
Where more than half of all voters register a “strong objection” to the
proposal, the proposal shall be deemed not to have passed and shall be
Where less than one third of all voters register a “strong objection” the proposal shall be deemed to have been passed.
Where more than one third, but less than one half, of all voters
register a “strong objection” to the proposal the proposal shall be
deemed not to have passed and shall be the subject of a reconciliation
Where more than one quarter but less than one third of
all voters who have registered a “strong objection” to the proposal the
National Executive shall invite the submission of a “Minority Report”.
Such reports may only be in relation to changes to the Constitution and
matters of national policy.
Where a proposal becomes the subject
of a reconciliation committee The National Executive shall convene a
committee to identify further possible amendments to the proposal. Such
committees shall consist of a representative selection of those who
support and have strong objections to the proposal. Suggested amendments
are forwarded to The National Executive expeditiously.
National Executive shall make further amendments, if appropriate, to a
final draft and shall circulate final proposal to all members not less
than fourteen days prior to the Local Saoradh Branch meeting convened
for final vote on proposal.
Following explanation of amendments,
if any, members vote on the final proposal within Local Saoradh Branch
meetings convened for the purpose of voting on final proposal. Members
shall have the option of supporting the proposal or rejecting the
The National Executive shall be responsible for collating votes from all Local Saoradh Branches.