
Angolan Armed Forces ‟operation manhunt‟ launched in Cabinda in reaction to the attacks of the FLEC

The cry for help comes from Dinge and Massabi where the situation is considered critical, because in reaction to the attacks of the Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda, Cabindese Armed Forces (FLEC-FAC) that took place between the 6th and 10th of January in Cabinda this year. The Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda, Cabindese Armed Forces chaired by Alexandre Tati Builo explained: ‟Speaking specifically of the attacks on the 6th of January. Yes, there were those attacks, just as dead people are already circulating on social media. Yes, there were these attacks and they were authored by the Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda, Cabindese Armed Forces – Forces led by Mr. Alexandre Tati, as President and Mr. Estanislau Miguel Boma as Chief of Staffˮ. We recognize as being the authors of these attacks and at this moment I am talking to you about the great movement of the troops on the ground. We acknowledge and claim that we are the authors of these attacksˮ. Photographs circulating on social media show bodies lying on the ground, in bloodied military uniforms. Six Angolian soldiers were KIA.

The Angolan Armed Forces – FAA in retaliation launched the ‟operation manhunt‟ which instead of hitting military targets of the Cabindese Guerrilla are taking advantage of this to also terrorize civilian populations with actions that are contrary to the 1949 Geneva Conventions and its additional protocols, there is talk of torture, many people even lost their speech due to the torture actions suffered, most of the injured are hospitalized in the Dinge hospital.

There is also talk of deprivations such as the ban on popular people not to move their farms and much more. It is recalled that in this attack a FLEC FAC guerrilla was captured, whose identity has not yet been revealed by the parties, but who is already in Luanda, after having been savagely beaten in the premises of the Security House of the Presidency of the Republic of Angola in Cabinda e, which is still under severe psychological torture by agents of the Military Intelligence Services under the command of General João Pereira Massano.

Based on article 3(1) of the 1949 Geneva Convention and its additional protocols which ‟Determines humane treatment for all individuals in the power of the enemy, without any adverse distinction. It especially forbids murders; mutilations; tortures; cruel, humiliating and degrading treatment; hostage-taking and partial trialsˮ we appeal to the United Nations, in particular the Human Rights Council and other international organizations for the defense of human rights, to ask the government of the Republic of Angola under the presidency of João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço to immediately cease its practices of state terrorism against the defenseless populations of Cabinda in Dinge and Massabi.

That he immediately release the Cabinda guerrilla (identity to be revealed) captured in combat as a result of the latest events that took place between the 6th and 10th of January of this year between the Cabindese Armed Forces - FAC and the Angolan Armed Forces - FAA, and that he be treated as recommended by article 3(1) of the 1949 Geneva Convention and its additional protocols.

Otherwise, the International Criminal Court (ICC) will be the only judicial instance that political and civic organizations in Cabinda will resort to to claim justice in case something bad happens to the FAC guerrilla captured in Cabinda by the FAA and who is in Luanda under severe psychological and physical torture by agents of the Military Intelligence Services directed by General João Pereira Massano in the photo, who should be held criminally responsible, regardless of whether Angola is not a signatory of the Rome Statute.

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