
Ending with a high note for the Breton language race

The new edition of Ar Redadeg, the race for the Breton language ended as an "apotheosis" on May 8 in Locoal-Mendon. In nine days the course has crossed 300 villages and 1,707 km. Every kilometer was funded by the people giving and resources for conservation, and even the promotion of Breton. In fact they have sold 1,730, slightly more than expected.

Symbolically 1,707 musicians have participated in it to explain the symbiosis between Celtic music, strongly established in Brittany, with its own language. In the final event played simultaneously over 600 musicians and 3,000 people welcomed the last runners with a significant number of children. The race was first performed in 2008. It is biennial. This year it reached the eighth edition.

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