
Wounded Knee, remembered 125 years later

Flakes of ceremonial tobacco fluttered from outstretched hands Tuesday December 29 morning as a frigid wind whispered over Wounded Knee, an echo of that day 125 years ago.
Dec. 29, 1890: The day the U.S. Army 7th Cavalry massacred between 150 and 300 Lakota Sioux and buried them in a mass grave on a desolate hill. “They brought all the bodies back here and crushed them down into this pit we are standing on,” said Chubbs Thunder Hawk.About 75 onlookers joined Thunder Hawk at the gravesite while another 40 or so on horseback moved down the road to Pine Ridge, their last stop after nearly a whole week of retracing Chief Big Foot's route to Wounded Knee as part of the Chief Big Foot Band Memorial Ride.

Two rides in Dakota ~ Lakota country each to commemorate and honor their ancestors.
1) Dakota 38 plus 2 Memorial Ride
2) Omaka Tokatakiya - Future Generations  (Formerly Big Foot Band Memorial) Ride concluding 12/29/15

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