
All Under One Banner Kernow calls for on July 16th in Truro


AUOB Kernow (All Under One Banner Kernow) is a grassroots campaign movement, formed to act as a catalyst to promote greater discussion about the future of Cornwall. They will be holding a March for Cornwall in Truro, with musicians.
We want to invite you to join us on July 16th on the march. We will walk the streets of Truro, stopping part way to hear from Gray Lightfoot, on the cathedral steps.
There are so many issues that the people of Cornwall face, and we strongly believe that by joining together, we can all achieve our goals. Not only the need to preserve our culture, our language, and our music but a way of life that is quickly disappearing.
We have had enough and need change. In order to have greater autonomy to do this, we must push for an assembly, modelling it on the Scottish system.
• We would be able to take back control of the housing, including the planning laws, therefore stop the over development of Cornwall.
• We would be able to house the people of Cornwall in suitable homes and do away with putting families in B&B’s and Travelodge’s, and stop people being transported away from family and community support out of Cornwall.
• We would be able to put our own climate emergency plan in place that’s designed for Cornwall.
• We would be able to stop RAW SEWAGE from being released into our waters.
• We would be able to stop Cornwall from being used as a holiday park, and more as a food resource.
• We would make Cornwall’s industries expand and the money from them to stay in Cornwall.
• We would create meaningful jobs with pay that’s rightly deserved for the people of Cornwall.
• We would be able to put a cap on the number of holiday homes within communities.
• We would be able to tax all holiday homes and lets.
• We could negotiate our own fishing rights and market.
These are just a few of the things we would be able to achieve.
Please consider joining us on July 16th from 12 pm on Lemon Quay in Truro.
If you wish to speak at the march, please let us know as soon as possible.

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