
Secesionistes moro maten 9 suposats col·laboradors policials a Filipines

La matança ha tingut lloc a Pigcawayan, Filipines. Membres de Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) van llençar un atac la Nit de Nadal, el 24 de desembre. Quatre dels atacants i nou cristians locals van perdre la vida. Abu Misry Mama, portaveu d'una de les tres faccions en que està dividit el BIFF, va dir que els morts eren membres del grup parapolicial Civilian Armed Forces Geographic Unit (CAFGU). Els nou foren "executats sumàriament.

BIFF, fou fundat per Ameril Umbra Kato,l'any 2010 escindint-se del principal grup moro MILF (Front Islàmic d'Alliberament Moro) quan aquest va renunciar a un estat propi i va acordar, el 2014, la pau amb el govern filipí.

Police said a village official in the town of Pigcawayan, North Cotabato province was killed when marauding members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) attacked his store with grenade launchers on Thursday night. The death toll due to the attacks was at 13 as of Friday afternoon, with four of the fatalities from the BIFF. The fighters of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) seized the seven and then killed them in a series of raids in the island of Mindanao where Christian-Muslim conflicts have seethed for decades. Lt Col. Ricky Bunayog, commanding officer of the 33rd Infantry Battalion, said BIFF troops, led by a certain Kumander Sukarno Sapal, attacked their detachment in Sitio Manilong, Barangay Banaba in Maguindanao at around 3 am Thursday, December 24. The other civilian casualty was a farmer who was among the eight killed while tending to their farms in the boundary of the provinces of Maguindanao and Sultan Kudarat during attacks by BIFF members, the military said. Bunayog condemned the killing of the civilians as "brutal", adding the military the police encountered difficulties in retrieving the bodies of the civilians because the BIFF planted improvised bombs on them. "They were shot one by one point blank after they were captured", local reported quoted him as saying. Abu Misry Mama, spokesperson of one of three factions of the BIFF, claimed responsibility for the simultaneous attacks, but stressed that their victims were not farmers but members of the Civilian Armed Forces Geographic Unit (CAFGU). Miriam Coronel-Ferrer, government peace panel head negotiating with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the largest Muslim rebel group in the Philippines, said the nine civilians were "summarily executed". He said the farmers proceeded to their rice farm despite the advice of government soldiers to cancel agricultural activities because of the ongoing tension and firefight in the nearby villages. The BIFF, founded by former MILF commander Ameril Umbra Kato, broke away from the MILF in late 2010 after the latter dropped its call for an independent Islamic state and in March 2014 forged a comprehensive peace deal with the Philippine government. Tri-County Sun Times http://thevillagessuntimes.com/2015/12/27/christians-killed-in-attacks-in-philippines/
Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters Tri-County Sun Times http://thevillagessuntimes.com/2015/12/27/christians-killed-in-attacks-in-philippines/
Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters Tri-County Sun Times http://thevillagessuntimes.com/2015/12/27/christians-killed-in-attacks-in-philippines/

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