
Cabinda's Front announces new deads in armed clashes with Angola's army

FLEC-FAC announces in a comunicado that on June 19 and 20, 2020, in Mbata-Mbengi, a border village of the Democratic Republic of Congo, there was a clash between the Cabindesas Armed Forces and the Angolan army.

In the same confrontation, mark the deaths of 11 people, including 6 civilians who were shot down by Angolan soldiers on suspicion of supporting the independence movement, 4 Angolan military and 1 FLEC-FAC and also 8 injured.

Second, General António do Rosario Luciano, spokesperson for the FAC General Staff, the Cabinda conflict has already crossed the borders of neighbouring countries and is threatening the security of the region.

FLEC-FAC calls for intervention from the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region, the Southern African Development Community and the Governments of the two Congos to find a peaceful solution to the military conflict between Angola and Cabinda.

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